2013 | Chess Simultaneous Play and Public Debate)
10 simultaneous chess games and public debate
Sunday, September 1st, 2013, 10:00
Corod Cultural County Hall
Organizer: 1+1 association in partnership with the Corod Local Council and tranzit.ro/ iasi
A project initiated by George DOROS
Sah Club Corod (Corod Chess Club) is the first sportive chess club operating in a rural area from Galati County!
Our guests were able to enter dialogue with representatives of the local authority and with the audience in order to analyze the opportunities and the possibilities to initiate a Chess club in a place like the village of Corod. With the participation of various local chess players and regional chess organizations’ representatives:
Ioan Costin (Corod), Constantin Grosu (invatator, membru al Comisiei Sah in Scoala, Copii, Juniori si Tineret si presedinte al Comisiei Asociatiilor Judetene de Sah si a Municipiului Bucuresti din cadrul Federatiei Romane de Sah), Mihai Tufa (Maestru al Sportului la Sah, secretar al Asociatiei Judetene de Sah Galati), Ion Teodorescu (Presedintele Asociatiei Judetene de Sah Galati), Lucian Gilea (Presedinte, Sah Club Galati), Ionel Covrig (Vicepresedinte, ACS Genius Galati), Adrian Ion Smarandoiu (Jucator legitimat la Sah Club Galati), Adrian Marc (Jucator categoria I, Brasov), Adrian Chitu (Jucator categoria I, Brasov), Silviu Ciprian Saulea (Bucuresti), Sarghe Cotinel (invatator, Corod), Oanca Maricel (Corod), Manole Ciurescu (Corod)

Play it for as long as you can remember who is your opponent and who is your own self.Yoko Ono
Play It By Trust: by Yoko Ono (1966). Both players’ pieces are white, which means after a few moves, players must learn to trust each other as to whose pieces are whose. Above image created by: David Benbennick