BB +
an art project in public space by Cezar LAZARESCU & 1+1
in the frame of Bucharest Biennale 6 – Bucharest International Biennial for Contemporary Art
Cezar Lăzărescu & 1+1 BB +, mobile banner & audio recording, print banner frontlit PVC poliplan frontlit, 4200 x 2500 mm. double-sided, sound message approx. 1 minute, 2014.
BB+ banners are installed on a specially designed advertising car and will be displayed for a few days on the streets of Bucharest and Iasi respectively. Despite the formal resemblance with the acronym of the Bucharest Biennale (BB ), the notation BB + is the last country rating for Romania given by the rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S & P).
The inscription is accompanied by an audio recording broadcasted through the megaphones of the advertising vehicle: “The credit rating agency Standard & Poor ‘s confirmed Romania’s rating at ‘ BB + ‘. This mark represents Romania’s rating for long-term liabilities in foreign and local currencies out looking for the perspective of a positive rating due to export growth, fiscal consolidation and the stability of the financial sector. However, the agency warns about the decreasing of foreign investments due to bureaucracy and juridical incertitude,
low absorption rate of the EU funds and the risk of not committing to the assumed reform engagements made by the Government before the elections. Therefore, Standard & Poor’s maintains Romania in the speculative category, or “junk “, not recommended for investment.”
In Bucharest, Cezar Lăzărescu ‘s BB + project unfolds on the 22nd and 23rd of May 2014, between the 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. The mobile advertising car wearing the BB + banners will be traveling on the route: University Square / Intercontinental Hotel -Bucharest Biennale Info Point / Pavilion – Romanian Athenaeum – National Museum of Art of Romania – Institute for Political Research / Bucharest University – Piata Romana / Bucharest University of Economic Studies – The Romanian Peasant Museum – Triumph Arch – Crangasi Neighbourhood – Militari Neighbourhood – Drumul Taberei – Ghencea Boulevard – Ferentari Neighbourhood – Berceni Neighbourhood –
Tineretului Neighbourhood – Rahova Neighbourhood – Palace of Parliament – Piața Universității – / Intercontinental Hotel.
un proiect de arta în spatiul public de CEZAR LAZARESCU & 1+1
in cadrul Bucharest Biennale 6 – Bienala Internationala de Arta Contemporana Bucuresti
Cezar Lăzărescu & 1+1, BB+, banner mobil & înregistrare audio, print banner PVC poliplan frontlit, 4200 x 2500 mm. fata-verso, mesaj sonor aprox. 1 minut, 2014
Bannerul BB+ este instalat pe un autoturism special pentru publicitate mobilă și afișat pentru cateva zile pe străzile orașelor București și respectiv Iași. În pofida asemănării formale cu acronimul Bienalei Bucuresti (BB), notația BB+ reprezintă ultimul rating de țară al României acordat de agenţia de evaluare financiară Standard & Poor’s (S&P). Inscripția este însoțită de o înregistrare audio difuzată prin intermediul megafoanelor autoturismului publicitar: „Agenţia de evaluare financiară Standard & Poor’s a confirmat ratingul României la nivelul “BB+“. Acest calificativ reprezintă ratingul României pentru datoriile pe termen lung în valută şi cele în monedă locală, cu perspectivă de rating pozitivă datorită creşterii exporturilor, consolidării fiscale şi stabilităţii sectorului financiar. Agenţia atenţioneză însă asupra scăderii investiţiilor străine datorită birocraţiei şi incertitudinii juridice, gradului redus de absorbţie a fondurilor UE şi a riscului nerespectării angajamentelor de reformă asumate de Guvern înainte de alegeri. Prin urmare, Standard & Poor’s menţine România în categoria speculativă, sau “junk”, nerecomandată pentru investiţii.”
La Bucuresti, proiectul lui Cezar Lazarescu BB+ se desfasoara in zilele de 22-23 mai 2014 intre orele 10-18. Autoturismul pentru publicitate mobilă purtand bannerele BB+ se deplaseaza pe traseul Piata Universitatii/Hotel Intercontinental- Bucharest Biennale Info Point/Pavilion – Ateneul Roman – Muzeul National de Arta al Romaniei – Institutul pentru cercetari politice/ Uniersitatea Bucuresti – Piata Romana/ Academia de Stiinte Economice Bucuresti – Muzeul Taranului Roman – Arcul de Triumf – Crangasi – Militari – Drumul Taberei – Bulevardul Ghencea – Ferentari – Berceni- Tineretului – Rahova – Palatul Parlamentului – Piata Unirii – Piata Universitatii/Hotel Intercontinental.

Cezar Lazarescu’s BB+ was cancelled
Cezar Lazarescu’s project BB+ produced by 1+1 in the frame of Bucharest Biennale 6 – I-NTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF CONTEMPORARY ART, that was supposed to take place at Bucharest between 22nd and 23rd of May, 2014 was unfortunately cancelled.
The project could not take place anymore as our contracted partner, SC Motion Video Communication SRL, the advertisement agency in charge of realizing the campaign did not respected its contractual duties and refused to perform the mobile advertisement services that we contracted it for.
As a result of this, 1+1 association decided to take legal actions against MVcom.
A small scale documentation of this project – consisting in the audio message and the image that were to be made public through the mobile advertisement campaign may be still accessed in the frame of BB+, at Pavilion headquarters. (C. A. Rosetti street, no. 36, Bucharest)
BB+ al lui Cezar Lazarescu a fost anulat
Proiectul lui Cezar Lazarescu BB+ produs de 1+1 in cadrul Bucharest Biennale 6 – Bienala internationala de arta contemporana Bucuresti, care trebuia sa se desfasoare in zilele de 22-23 mai 2014 la Bucuresti a fost din nefericire anulat.
Proiectul nu a mai putut avea loc deoarece partenerul nostru contractual, SC Motion Video Communication SRL, agentia de publicitate ce trebuia sa realizeze aceasta campanie mobila, nu si-a respectat prevederile contractuale si a refuzat sa presteze serviciile de panotaj mobil pentru care l-am contractat.
In consecinta, Asociatia 1+1 a decis sa intreprinda actiuni juridice impotriva MVcom.
O documentatie redusa ca dimensiune a acestui proiect constand in imaginea si mesajul sonor ce urmau a fi facute public prin intermediul campaniei de panotaj mobil pot fi accesate inca in cadrul BB6 la sediul Pavilion. (Str. C.A. Rosetti, nr. 36, Bucuresti)

Cezar LAZARESCU lives and works in Iasi. He finished his studies at the University “G. Enescu “University in Iași and he is a founding member of the Association of Vector since in 2001. Among others he participated in exhibitions such as: “ WAITING Spaces # II “, Timisoara , 2013, “ OPEN AIR CINEMA – DEMOLITION “, Chisinau, 2012, “ Video Salon “ ALERT Studio, Bucharest, 2012, – “The City Menace – a critical view of urban space”, Iasi, 2012, “ Friends of the Divided Mind” , Royal College of Art, London, 2009. In 2012, / Iași organized the first solo exhibition and at the same time , the first retrospective Cezar Lazarescu : I love Periferic 3 . “Using incredibly
easy means (sometimes exclusively conceptual), I try to overcome the intellectual prejudices and stereotypes, being aware of my place in the world and that I use and I can be used.” (Cezar Lăzărescu)